Things you should know before the big day.

Always choose a reputable and qualified mover. There are movers of all types and descriptions. Naturally the longer the company has been in business, the more experienced and better prepared the movers will be to move and care for your belongings. If you do not choose the right company, moving day can be most hectic. Plan ahead and order your moving service as far in advance as possible. Do not wait until the last minute. Moving day can be a stressful experience, especially if you are leaving a home you have lived in for years. Take our advice, be ready in advance and be well rested so that you will have a pleasant, tension free day. Clean out your closets, cabinets, storage areas a few weeks before you move. Throw away anything that is no longer of any value or of any use to you anymore. Why pay to pack and move something you do not need? If you are doing your own packing please remember that everything needs to be packed, so do not wait until the day before your move to start. Be ready to move when the van arrives.

Several Months Prior to Move

  • Plan your move in order to avoid peak moving season. The first and last days of the months are busiest. When you contact Steedle Moving & Storage, It is best to have your exact move date available so a timeline can be established.
  • Survey the attic, outside sheds, garage, basement and crawl spaces to determine what items will not be moving with you.
  • Have a yard sale to help discard items not traveling with you.

Two Months Prior to Move

  • Contact schools, doctors, dentists, lawyers and accountants and obtain copies of your personal records.
  • Locate legal documents and VEHICLE registration.

One Month Prior to Move

  • Prepare Inventory List of single-packed items that will be stored or moved.
  • Contact your utility, phone and newspaper companies to discontinue/re-establish service at your old and new addresses.
  • Submit a Change of Address form to the post office.
  • If necessary, make travel arrangements; close accounts at your local bank and open accounts in your new locale.

Two Weeks Prior to Move

  • If possible, arrange for young children and elderly family members to stay with friends or relatives on moving day.
  • Contact the building management to schedule use of the elevators.

One Week Prior to Move

  • Settle any outstanding bills with local merchants.
  • Don’t forget to withdraw the contents of your safety deposit box, pick up any dry cleaning, return library books and rented DVDs, etc.
  • Take pets to the veterinarian for any special needed immunizations.
  • Drain gas and oil from all power equipment.
  • Pack a “FIRST NIGHT” box like personal items, bedding and fun things for the kids.

One Day Prior to Move

  • Give away any open liquor or discard any liquid container(s) that have been opened. If you plan to use cleaning supplies, ensure that they are discarded after use.

Moving Day

  • Record all utility meter readings (gas, electric, water).


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(856) 848-4854

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1152 Crown Point Road West Deptford, NJ 08093

Office Hours

Mon - Fri 8:00 to 5:00 PM


Moving and Storage free quote, moving and storage services, moving and storage company

Professional, dependable, and reliable moving services. We take great care when handling your goods, because we know that your belongings are important to you and you are important to us.

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